My Story

As the Founder and President of Sustainability Within Reach LLC, I am committed to helping you reach your sustainability goals through ESG-based certifications.

After graduating summa cum laude from Baylor University in 2017, I became a Fitwel Ambassador through my job at TIAA managing ad-hoc real-estate/construction and business management projects. I quickly developed a knack for sustainability and the Fitwel certification process and became a global Top 20 Ambassador in 2023 out of more than 2,000 ambassadors. Since my global Top 20 award, I have specialized in corporate sustainability certifications for commerical and residental buildings.

As a current MBA candidate, I am thrilled to pursue my passions for entrepreneurship and sustainability with you through Sustainability Within Reach LLC.

Top 20 Global Fitwel Ambassador of 2023:
Jackson Jaeger

Read Fitwel’s 2023 blog post about Jackson Jaeger and his committment to sustainability through certifying over 1.7 million sq ft of commerical real estate in one year.

My Mission

But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.
— Psalm 52:8